Published: 24 October 2017

A productive second meeting of the EnFAIT consortium team was hosted in Edinburgh, Scotland by Nova Innovation, the coordinating party in the project, on 23 and 24 October 2017. The focus of the first day was to carry out the Concept Design Review for the Array and this concluded with all parties confirming agreement on the basis of design to progress on to detailed design. A formal project General Assembly meeting was held on the second day at which the Work Package leads provided a status update on their tasks and deliverables, followed by a Programme Status Review of the overall governance and progress of the project to date. Plans were put in place for the third consortium meeting to be held in late January 2018. The EnFAIT project has started well and looks to positively move forward to the Detailed Design Review in Spring 2018 whilst continuing to operate and maintain the existing array of tidal turbines.